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2020-12-01 15:35:07 admin
USD/JPYThe USD/JPY pair is oscillating within a descending triangle pattern, with descending trendline representing a strong resistance area. A break above the


The USD/JPY pair is oscillating within a descending triangle pattern, with descending trendline representing a strong resistance area. A break above the 104.29 resistance line will likely stall at the trendline. Further downside is expected for this pair going forward. Momentum indicators have flattened in bearish territory.



A break of the 1.192 resistance area has resulted in subdued price momentum for the Eurodollar. A strong rally has been developing since mod-May and given the inherent dollar weakness we may expect this sentiment to continue. The pace of climb may be less steep especially in light of potential stimulus. Momentum indicators have upward trajectories.



The WS30 has repeatedly tested the 30,035 price area and in the absence of significant pullbacks, a break seems imminent. A consolidation range between the 29,044 and 30,035 price levels is currently containing price action, which is making higher lows. We dont foresee sellers dominating in the near term. Momentum indicators have flattened in bullish territory.

WS30反复测试30,035价格区间,在没有明显回调的情况下,似乎即将突破。目前29,044 至 30,035 之间的盘整区间正在遏制价格走势并促使高于旧低点。预计短期内卖方不会占据主导地位。动量指标在看涨区域趋于平缓。


The HK50 has reversed recent gains to take price action back towards the 25,942 support line. A stall has occurred in todays trading. Hence the move may be more indicative of a pullback than a full reversal, especially considering fundamental factors and the already established long-term rally. Momentum indicators show a deceleration in bullish sentiment, with RSI pulling back below the 70 resistance line.


In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese version and English version of the Daily Insights, the latter shall prevail.


This article is to be used only as a reference, not as a basis for trading.

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